The Middle Georgia Innovation Corridor has been developed in phases. Phases 1 and 2 were funded by the Department of Defense’s Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC). Phase 3 is funded by Georgia AIM’s Build Back Better Regional Challenge grant.
- Phase 1: The 2018 Middle Georgia Charrette and Regional Planning Initiative was a regional “think-tank” comprised of government, industry, non-profits, and academia.
- Phase 2: Launched in 2021, the Middle Georgia Innovation Project was designed to put phase 1 elements into action, including: Creating the MGIC, expanding focus on Industry 4.0 technologies, amplifying STEM and software engineering, and broadening the appeal of the region.
- Phase 3 (Current): The purpose of this phase is to grow MGIC into a sustainable coalition of regional stakeholders while amplifying and nurturing core pockets of regional innovation in key industries and communities.