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Building Innovation in Middle Georgia: A Regional Plan for Growth & Opportunity

The Middle Georgia Innovation Corridor has been developed in phases. Phases 1 and 2 were funded by the Department of Defense’s Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC). Phase 3 is funded by Georgia AIM’s Build Back Better Regional Challenge grant.

  • Phase 1: The 2018 Middle Georgia Charrette and Regional Planning Initiative was a regional “think-tank” comprised of government, industry, non-profits, and academia.
  • Phase 2: Launched in 2021, the Middle Georgia Innovation Project was designed to put phase 1 elements into action, including: Creating the MGIC, expanding focus on Industry 4.0 technologies, amplifying STEM and software engineering, and broadening the appeal of the region.
  • Phase 3 (Current): The purpose of this phase is to grow MGIC into a sustainable coalition of regional stakeholders while amplifying and nurturing core pockets of regional innovation in key industries and communities.

A Range of Methodologies

In Phase 2, the Middle Georgia Innovation Project used a range of methodologies including surveys, mapping, focus groups, individual interviews, a Future Summit and in-depth working groups in the areas of Start-Up Innovation, Industry 4.0 Innovation and Software Engineering.

Framework and Ecosystem Report

Maps the existing innovation framework and ecosystem across the Middle Georgia region.

Innovation Corridor Report

Develops and outlines tasks to launch the Middle Georgia Innovation Corridor concept.

Roadmap Report

Presents recommendations for a path forward in expanding the innovation ecosystem across Middle Georgia.

Performance & Gap Analysis Report

Investigates case studies and technical data to reveal gaps and potential for innovation in Middle Georgia.